Space needed (H x L x l)
  • 3 by 3 meters
  • In terms of loudness: standard level of acoustic music
  •  In terms of size: 3 cubic meters. 
  • AR Gate (Acrylic Glass templates, Levitation Device, Crystal Prism) 
  • QR Code with instructions in English for entrance to AR Work
  • Podium: 80cm height, 50 cm wide, 50 cm length
  • 120 to 240 plug socket
  • Dedicated WIFI line

Installation's volume estimated

List of the materials provided by the artist or production

List of the materials to be provided
Needs for electricity and for wifi 
Further Information Summary

The work consists of two main parts: The AR Gate and the AR Work. The AR Gate is a levitating artwork that is physical and displayed on a stand. It rotates in in mid air using magnets. However, it's true function is to act as a gate to the AR Artwork. By scanning the QR code that is a central ornament of the artwork, the viewer is opened up to an unique AR work that engulfs him or her in world of light and movement. Needs: Wifi, Parts: Gate and Stands, AR Placed work per Satellite.

Technical requirements. Size of the artwork and spatial needings AR Gate: .5 meter by 1.5 meter. Space Needed for AR Gate: 3 by 2 meters; AR Werk: Displayed in any open space via Mobile Device.